
Starting a Low Carb Diet? Follow these Key Steps

Keto diet

Low carb diets have become popular because they are an easy way to lose weight fast.

But, before starting on this eating plan, educate yourself on the types of foods you can eat.

It is also helpful to have a quick reference guide for counting the grams of carbs in various foods.

In the beginning stages of the diet, you will want to limit your daily net carb count at about 30 grams. Net carbs are the total carbs minus the fiber.

The daily carb intake varies so you will need to determine the best level for you to continue losing weight. The key is to eat fewer carbohydrates than your body burns in a day. Typically, the carbs can be slowly increased as long as weight loss continues.

People with slower metabolisms will need to keep the carb count extremely low for the duration of the diet in order to continue to lose weight.

Taking a supplement to boost metabolism or consulting a doctor regarding prescription medications may be required if ongoing weight loss becomes difficult.

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Ketogenic Diet Explained

Wondering what is the ketogenic diet?

I want you to understand how it works, how to create your own keto diet meal plan from scratch, and both its benefits and its risks.

I believe an unbiased explanation of keto is rare to come, because throughout all of history there have always been those people that would turn a diet almost into a religion or a cult. That happened before with Atkins, the South beach diet, and this is happening right now with the ketogenic diet.

This ultimately leads to a lot of misconceptions about the diet so there are a lot of things that people are doing wrong and you may be making the same mistakes.

What’s the purpose of the ketogenic diet.

The goal is to force the body into a process known as ketosis where fats are predominately burned and used for energy rather than carbohydrates.

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How to Make Fluffy Low-Carb Pancakes | Full Recipe

Want the recipe of the best, fluffy low-carb pancakes?! You ask and you shall receive ☺️❤️
Full recipe in my last video on my YouTube channel.
I’ll show you a main staple in my home : low-carb, sugar free pancakes! These pancakes are completely grain, dairy free and also sugar FREE which is super important if you have children.
If your children love pancakes and you want to give them something sugar-free and without too much wheat. These are perfect for them
They are full of nutrientes, protein and and good fats (necessary for our brains) The sweetness for they recipes is giving naturally with half a banana and believe me it’s sweet enough, so you dont need stevia, sugar or any other sugar substitute.
Your whole family will love them! ❤️

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3 Easy Steps to Greater Happiness

You deserve to be happy, but there are days when it’s easy to get sucked into negativity and despair. When nothing seems to go your way, when the craziness around you starts to influence your own thoughts, and hen you wish you were as awesome as so and so…

There are a few simple strategies that you can implement today to start increasing your levels of happiness. Every day is a new opportunity for growth and today you can choose to honor your right to wholehearted happiness.


  • Let Go of Perfection

When you expect perfection, you set yourself up for disappointment. Because nobody’s perfect, and thinking you need to be is just setting yourself up for failure. Or worse, for not even starting.

On the road of self-improvement, there will be potholes, cracks in the pavement and distractions on the sidelines. This is completely normal and natural. Judging yourself too harshly for not being perfect is a major happiness killer.

  • Eat More Fermented Foods and Probiotics

Fermented foods might not seem to have much to do with happiness from the outside but on the inside, they make a huge difference. By adding probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, miso, yogurt and kombucha into your diet, you’ll strengthen your body’s ability to produce serotonin, the happy hormone.

Serotonin is produced in large amounts in the gut, but when our gut bacteria isn’t healthy, our body’s have a hard time producing serotonin and transporting it to our brains.

The gut is often referred to as the second brain and for good reason. A balanced probiotic rich gut makes it easy to produce hormones that flood the brain with positive feelings. Recent studies are even looking to probiotics as a way to treat depression and anxiety!

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How to Lose Weight Without Dieting

“Dieting” is often the first thought when the topic of weight loss is brought up. Despite its traditional place in losing weight, it only works temporarily, and the weight often piles back on when the diet is over. Many diets are also unrealistic in their expectations, and the majority of people simply cannot sustain them for long—nor should they have to! Here are some more practical, long-term solutions for losing weight. You don’t have to restrict yourselves; you just need to modify what and how you eat to develop healthy eating habits.  


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Detox Your Way Through Life

Our bodies are works of art. The human body has incredible mechanisms for taking care of itself. But it often needs a boost and right kind of environment, both of which come from our diet. One way of doing your body a favor is by doing a detox. The word “detox” often conjures up the concept of weight loss. But, in reality, it is simply, and more importantly, a process of flushing toxins from our bodies that have built-up with the passage of time due to poor habits.

Weight loss often does occur, but the primary reason for a detox is to help your organs start working optimally, which requires more energy.

There are various methods that can be used for detoxing your body. You can take supplements or follow an exercise regimen, but the easiest and most natural way of detoxing your body is by adding foods to your diet that are naturally detoxifying.

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Working out while pregnant? | Safe or not?

There are so many myth and misconception about Working out while Pregnant. Many people have told me “you have to be careful, it’s good you want to workout to feel great or because it’s your job as a coach, but your baby is a priority!” Hmmm, I’ve told those people that I actually keep doing this NOT only for me to feel better but FOR MY BABY!. Working out while pregnant gives you so many benefits for you AND most importantly, your baby!!!

 What are the Benefits of Working out while pregnant?

Exercise not only it helps you to have more energy, control nausea, gaining a healthy amount of weight but also it will be much easier for you to get your body back after baby {very important}!  Sounds like a win-win, right?!

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