Low carb diets have become popular because they are an easy way to lose weight fast.
But, before starting on this eating plan, educate yourself on the types of foods you can eat.
It is also helpful to have a quick reference guide for counting the grams of carbs in various foods.
In the beginning stages of the diet, you will want to limit your daily net carb count at about 30 grams. Net carbs are the total carbs minus the fiber.
The daily carb intake varies so you will need to determine the best level for you to continue losing weight. The key is to eat fewer carbohydrates than your body burns in a day. Typically, the carbs can be slowly increased as long as weight loss continues.
People with slower metabolisms will need to keep the carb count extremely low for the duration of the diet in order to continue to lose weight.
Taking a supplement to boost metabolism or consulting a doctor regarding prescription medications may be required if ongoing weight loss becomes difficult.