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FIBER in Your Diet | Essential Nutrient for a Healthy Live

You have probably heard or read that is highly important to include Fiber in your diet, right? But what is Fiber? In which foods can you find it? What are the benefits to include Dietary Fiber in your diet?  In this article I want to help clarify these common questions.

What is Fiber?

Fiber is not a nutrient itself.  It helps your body eliminate toxins, prevent diseases and even help you lose weight. It has very important functions, especially in the intestine. 

Dietary fiber (DF) is included between the classification of carbohydrates. The definition of fiber is still not entirely clear yet. We can say that it is all the material from plants that escapes intestinal digestion by action of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. This does not mean that fiber is not degraded or metabolized, in fact much of it is fermented in the colon producing compounds that the body absorbs and uses. 

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Working out while pregnant? | Safe or not?

There are so many myth and misconception about Working out while Pregnant. Many people have told me “you have to be careful, it’s good you want to workout to feel great or because it’s your job as a coach, but your baby is a priority!” Hmmm, I’ve told those people that I actually keep doing this NOT only for me to feel better but FOR MY BABY!. Working out while pregnant gives you so many benefits for you AND most importantly, your baby!!!

 What are the Benefits of Working out while pregnant?

Exercise not only it helps you to have more energy, control nausea, gaining a healthy amount of weight but also it will be much easier for you to get your body back after baby {very important}!  Sounds like a win-win, right?!

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The Minerals in your diet | Are they important?

This article will continue the series of Vitamins and Minerals. This part will discuss the Essential Minerals in your Diet.

First of all, what are minerals?

Minerals are originated in rocks and minerals stones. We get them in our diet in our food and also through water we consume. These are essential for good health.

This little substances help regulate metabolism (reactions that are constantly occurring in our body). For example, the bones are the stocks of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which in case of deficiency the body can make use of them. They are found in many molecules in the body and help in various chemical reactions. For example, the sulfur is part of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Calcium triggers the action of digestive enzymes that digest fats and copper is necessary for the incorporation of iron in hemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen in blood ).

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7 Reasons to Eat Avocados

Today I wan to give so several reasons to eat Avocados more often. Avocados are delicious, but did you know they could also help curb your appetite? According to a recent study, those who ate half an avocado with lunch felt 28% less of a desire to eat more in the 5 hours following the meal. 

But, that’s not all avocados can do for you!

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Important Vitamins in your Diet

With this article, I begin a series on Vitamins and Minerals, which are a key  factor in our diet. In the first two articles, I’ll talk about Vitamins in your Diet, how they help our health and where we can find them in the food. In the following articles, I’ll cover the most important minerals in our diet.
Vitamins are micronutrients not synthesized by the body, but required in small amounts, play a critical role in maintaining good health. They are very important not only because of its deficiency cause diseases but, if they are provided in their optimal amounts, they may help to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer and aging.

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Extra Virgin Olive Oil | Ideal in Your Kitchen

With the increasing popularity of the Mediterranean Diet, which includes Olive Oil consumption, this oil has become one of the most studied cooking oils.

Researchers have proven the high level of benefits to our health. Many studies have been conducted on olive oil and it has been identified as a key food in preventing cardiovascular diseases. 

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, which are responsible for the benefits of this oil. Besides olive oil contain polyphenols, which are that antioxidants which protect the body form the free radicals.

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5 servings of Fruits and Vegetables?

5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day will give you lots of water (between 75% and 95% of its weight is water), vitamins, water-soluble like vitamin C, folic acid and small amounts of other B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6) and soluble compounds such as carotenoids (mainly ß-carotene) with activity of pro-vitamin A and vitamins K and E.

Vegetables also provide minerals like potassium, magnesium and small amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus and phytochemicals (organic compounds present in plant foods that are not nutrients but have beneficial effects on health) among which we can highlight carotenoids, phenolics, glucosinolates and phytosterols, and fiber.

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My Super Foods Guide II

This is the second part of My Super Foods Guide. In this article I will list some of my favorite foods to always have in your kitchen. They are definitely healthy foods to include regularly in your diet to help you improve your overall health:

 1. Dark Greens:

 Green vegetables such as kale, chard, collard greens, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, etc. are full of Vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and Phyto-nutrients. They also contain large amounts of fiber and few calories which makes them the perfect foods to keep your heart healthy and slim your figure. The recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines recommend both American and Canadian varied at least 7 servings of these vegetables a day.

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Nutrition Myths | Don’t fall into these myths!

Nutrition has always been a topic of great interest and concern to a large percentage of the population. There is a variety of nutrition myths and misconceptions that are widely spread throughout the history.  In many cases these issues are dealt with ignorance. 

Very often people want to group foods into good and bad; the ones that make you fat or thin; useful and harmful to cardiovascular health, etc. But nutrition is a complex science and any simplification is wrong. Nutrition as a science is relatively modern and is hidden in an apparent simplicity; however it is a complex matter that requires study and continuous updating.

 In the following lines I will uncover some Nutrition Myths and controversies that have been spread throughout time:


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Best Sources of Calcium for your Bones

There is a big debate about whether milk consumption is the best source of Calcium for your Bones and whether it helps prevent fractures and osteoporosis or not. On one side are those who think that high calcium intake in the form of three glasses of milk a day, would help prevent osteoporosis and fractures. Yet, each year osteoporosis causes about 1.5 million fractures in the U.S. alone.

On the other side are those who believe that consuming lots of milk does not affect the risk of fractures and could also contribute to other problems such as heart disease or prostate cancer.

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