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Benefits of Avocado Oil And How to Include it in Your Diet

Avocado oil is a nutrient-dense oil that should be in everyone’s kitchen. It’s great for cooking, skin care, and digestive health and offers more benefits than I can list. It might just be the next coconut oil… maybe.


So what’s so great about avocado oil?


Oleic acid – The same fatty acid that makes olive oil so amazing, oleic acid is good for the immune system and can withstand oxidation much better than most oils. This makes it last longer without going rancid and better at withstanding high temperatures.

Avocado oil is rich in fatty acids and it works to lower bad cholesterol and raise your good cholesterol. Avocado oil is just as effective as extra virgin olive oil.


Vitamin E – An essential vitamin for healthy skin, hair and nails, vitamin E helps prevent against the oxidative damage caused by free-radicals.

The oleic acid in avocado oil along with the carotenoids and vitamin E can reduce the growth of precancerous and cancer cells and even cause cell death in abnormal cells. The carotenoids also decrease the side effects of chemotherapy.


Digestion – Avocado oil is great for gut health for similar reasons as avocado itself. Cold pressed avocado oil is rich in enzymes and healthy fats that help stimulate your body to repair itself. The avocado oil’s vitamin E can help strengthen the skin and the immune system when you eat it.

If you experience frequent heartburn or feel an abnormally high amount of gas and bloating on a regular basis, or if you feel tired all the time, poor digestion may be the cause.

The vitamins, minerals and monounsaturated fatty acids in avocado oil all help the digestive tract to process food more efficiently. This won’t fix it overnight, of course, but you will be surprised at how quickly you will start to feel better, have more energy and may even start to lose weight as a result!

A special note: you want to make sure you always buy the unrefined, cold-pressed, extra virgin version whether you want to cook with avocado oil or use it for your skin and hair.

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Chia: The Tiny Superfood You Need to Know About

Chia seeds are tiny yet powerful in their nutritional benefits. They swell to 10 times their original size when placed in a liquid, making them ideal for thickening puddings and smoothies.

Just a few of the tricks up the sleeves of chia seeds include…

  • High in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Great source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Almost all carbs are fiber
  • More calcium than milk per serving
  • Higher in antioxidants than blueberries
  • High in vitamins A, B, D, and E
  • Loaded with magnesium
  • Good source of quality protein
  • Easy to digest and assimilate (low in phytates)
  • Help balance blood sugar levels and get rid of sugar cravings
  • Provide lost of nutrients with very few calories
  • May lower risk of heart disease

Chia is a true superfood. The direct translation of chia means STRENGTH in the Mayan language and was a valuable food of traditional Mayan, Inca and Aztec people. Apparently, they used to trade chia seeds for gold as they were such a valuable source of energy.

Did you know Chia means STRENGTH in the Mayan language? It was a valuable food of traditional Mayan, Inca and Aztec people. Click To Tweet

Some of my favorite ways to eat chia include soaking them for an hour in coconut milk and a bit of maple syrup and eating that for dessert or breakfast with fresh berries, sprinkling them on salads or soups, adding them to homemade crackers, blending them into my smoothies and of course, delectable chia puddings.

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How to Follow an Elimination Diet?

Elimination diets don’t exactly sound like the most fun thing in the world, but if you’re struggling with digestive issues, they can change your life. How do you get to the root of an issue if you can never pinpoint the cause? You don’t. That’s why millions of people live with illness unnecessarily every day. Because they never took the time to discover that perhaps their thyroid problems would improve by removing gluten from their diet. Or their IBS might get significantly better with a dairy-free diet.

It’s important to take responsibility for your own health if you want to feel good, and the elimination diet is the foundational journey you must take to decipher what works and what doesn’t.

How to do an Elimination Diet?

Certain foods trigger more negative reactions than others. The elimination diet gets rid of common food allergens for a month. Typically the foods you don’t eat for that time frame include…

  • Gluten
  • Grains
  • Dairy
  • Sugar and sweeteners (except stevia)
  • Processed foods
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Citrus fruits
  • Nightshade vegetables (tomato, peppers, and eggplant)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Soy
  • Meat with nitrites

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My Daily Drink to Detox and Boost Your Immune System

Today I have for you my go-to morning detox drink that helps with digestion, and inflammation to boost your immune system, help you wake up with every morning and also detox at the same time. amazing right?
For 5,000 years, Ayurveda has been practiced to incorporate different herbs and spices that can boost up your immune system. But, due to our lack of knowledge on natural remedies, we often take pharmaceutical medications and antibiotics.
The solution to your problem is an elixir that I personally made.
The recipe includes lemon, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, and plain water. It’s easy to make and we can get these ingredients virtually everywhere. This is my miracle elixir!
I used to get sick all the time. And my husband as well. He travels a lot so he used to come home sick from every trip. Since he’s been drinking this elixir, that has gotten better, he doesn’t get sick so often as before.
And me? Let’s say I have about a year without taking any cold medications or any other drug whatsoever.
This has super powerful ingredients that help your body just feel amazing!

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Easy Remedy for Bloated Stomach

If you suffer from poor digestion, bloating, bloated stomach, constipation or diarrhea, chances are there’s one thing you’re not doing.

This is by far the simplest, most effective way to improve your digestion and avoid bloated stomach right away. You might be surprised by how incredibly this remedy is to improve your gut health.

The answer:

Chew MORE your food!

So simple right?! Yet so often people rush through their meals and aren’t consciously chewing their food until it’s ready to enter the other digestive phases.


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Ways to Help Children In Venezuela, Because They Are Dying Of Malnutrition

Our mission is to help all children of this world live happier lives and have a bright future, regardless of where they were born and the circumstances they were forced to live during their childhood. And even though we are a small organization, we put the main focus on taking action right now. Impacting the life of even a single child in need, it’s worth the effort. Mother Teresa said “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one” If we all help change the life of one child each, we can change the world.

But, because nowadays, it is harder and harder for non-for-profit organizations to fund their activities, we have decided to create a for-profit business with the objective of providing financial stability to the members of our team, by doing something that matters. Because with part of the profits of our sales, we are financing this amazing philanthropic program called the U Care Program.

Today I wanted to share some of the faces of the children we are helping, in Caracas, Venezuela. And a little more about the mission of this project.

Too often we see on TV, newspapers and the Internet, news about children dying of malnutrition. To those of us who have children, it is hard not to wonder, that if for circumstances of life, my own child would be forced to live a reality like that. That’s why we created this program.

I wanted to do this post to be super clear about what we do and how we can help you too. I guess you have seen me promoting our products and programs on social media and many of you may be thinking if we are really making the donations or if it’s just another marketing strategy to sell. I’m here to give you my word, that this is a real philanthropic program financed by your purchases and making a real impact in real children.

Children in Venezuela are dying from malnutrition, let's help them! Click To Tweet


The U Care Program – Help a Child in Need

The program is called “U Care program” and as I said before is funded with part of the profits from the sales of our Personalized Health Coaching programs and guides, affiliate program commissions and direct sales of Adriana Wellness’s products.

The U Care Program is a 100% philanthropic initiative.

Yes, we are a for-profit company, we sell products to have profits, which allow us to cover our expenses and grow as a company. But more than anything, we want to make a positive impact in this world.

We want to grow by selling products that we are sure will help you in a deep way: with your health and wellness. Because we know, and you know, that our health is the most precious asset we have.

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What Exercise Has to do with Gut Health

Exercise isn’t all about the physical. It goes far beyond muscle tone and calories burned. Exercise affects your whole body, including your gut. Professional athletes show a much more diverse microbiome than their non-exercising counterparts of similar age and weight.

The Gut microbiome it’s affected but numerous factors, from the way we were born, our diet in infancy and adulthood, medications, age genetics, and many other factors. But there are many ways we can improve our gut health including probiotics and prebiotic which I’ve written in previous posts. And another important way is by exercising.

Recent studies suggest that exercise can increase the number of beneficial microbial species and improve the microflora diversity. All these effects are beneficial for the host, us, improving our health status.

They also determine that exercise is able to enrich the microflora diversity; to improve the type of bacteria that could potentially contribute to help us lose weight.

Exercise is able to enrich the microflora diversity; to improve the type of bacteria that could potentially contribute to help us lose weight. Click To Tweet

Moving your body helps stimulate the lymphatic system, the system that helps your body to remove toxins and maintain a healthy circulation. Other ways to stimulate the lymphatic system include massage and dry brushing, but exercise is highly effective and has other benefits like boosting mood and cardiovascular health.

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Your Way to Healthy Nourishment

Soup certainly doesn’t sound like any special life-changing superfood. It’s soup, you’ve eaten it all your life. Yet soup has massive potential that often gets hidden behind nasty preservatives and less than ideal flavoring agents. The true beauty and nourishment happen with whole food ingredients and high-quality homemade bone broth. This is where the magic happens.


A daily soup made from local, seasonal ingredients and high-quality broth is better than any superfood or supplement out there. It’s a wholesome way to nourish your skin, immune system, joints, digestion, and gut health.

Homemade bone broth


Bone Broth is rich in natural gelatin which is anti-aging and great for rebuilding damaged intestinal lining. Making bone broth from scratch is as easy as throwing your leftover chicken carcass in a large pot of water and letting it simmer for 24 hours. This gets all the good stuff out of the bones and into the liquid.


Bone Broth is rich in natural gelatin which is anti-aging and great for rebuilding damaged intestinal lining Click To Tweet


Go to your local farmer’s market and get the freshest seasonal produce you can find. In the summer I love cooking fresh garlic, beets, and carrot in a homemade stock and blending with fresh dill. Served cold on a hot day with a drizzle of plain yogurt, this soup is refreshingly tangy and packed with nutrients.


In the Fall and Winter, soups made with root vegetables and hearty herbs like sage and rosemary are ideal. It’s all about sourcing local, pesticide-free vegetables for the most nutrient-dense soups. Nothing you can buy from the store compares to what you can make at home with relatively little effort.  

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3 Easy Steps to Greater Happiness

You deserve to be happy, but there are days when it’s easy to get sucked into negativity and despair. When nothing seems to go your way, when the craziness around you starts to influence your own thoughts, and hen you wish you were as awesome as so and so…

There are a few simple strategies that you can implement today to start increasing your levels of happiness. Every day is a new opportunity for growth and today you can choose to honor your right to wholehearted happiness.


  • Let Go of Perfection

When you expect perfection, you set yourself up for disappointment. Because nobody’s perfect, and thinking you need to be is just setting yourself up for failure. Or worse, for not even starting.

On the road of self-improvement, there will be potholes, cracks in the pavement and distractions on the sidelines. This is completely normal and natural. Judging yourself too harshly for not being perfect is a major happiness killer.

  • Eat More Fermented Foods and Probiotics

Fermented foods might not seem to have much to do with happiness from the outside but on the inside, they make a huge difference. By adding probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, miso, yogurt and kombucha into your diet, you’ll strengthen your body’s ability to produce serotonin, the happy hormone.

Serotonin is produced in large amounts in the gut, but when our gut bacteria isn’t healthy, our body’s have a hard time producing serotonin and transporting it to our brains.

The gut is often referred to as the second brain and for good reason. A balanced probiotic rich gut makes it easy to produce hormones that flood the brain with positive feelings. Recent studies are even looking to probiotics as a way to treat depression and anxiety!

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7 Ways to Naturally Cleanse Your Immune System

The immune system is designed to work against diseases in your body. It has a resistive power that fights bad bacteria and viruses that can cause illness and sickness. The immune system is designed perfectly, but our negligence towards our health often weakens the system. If it is not properly cared for, it becomes so weak that even small illnesses like the flu or a cough can become severe. The immune system also becomes dirty by fighting too much bacteria. Cleaning is required to make it strong again. There are many ways to clean the immune system and boost its power. Here are some of the ways to do it naturally.

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