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10 Immunity Boosting Foods For the Cold and Flu Season

“Cold and Flu” season is right around the corner, and it seems that everywhere you go you run into someone sneezing! How can you boost your immunity so you can stay healthy this Fall and Winter? Getting sick is not only uncomfortable, but it also impacts your productivities, your energy level and even your relationship (have you ever got snappy because you have a sore throat or a headache?)

If you have kids, I am sure you can relate how hard it is not to get sick from those little slimy hands – they are like petri dish on legs! Do you know that on average, school-age kids in America experience eight to ten colds a year? [according to The Children’s Hospital Guide to Your Child’s Health and Development]

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4 Ways to Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is not just a kitchen ingredient; it has a wide range of other amazing uses that promote great benefits for your health and physical care.

Coconut oil has been increasing in popularity over recent years. With the current campaigns against the use of unhealthy fats, this powerful oil is in growing demand. The health benefits of coconut oil can be used in different ways.

Coconut oil is composed of 92% saturated fat, with 2/3 of it coming in a medium-chain fatty acids form. The body is able to quickly metabolize this type of fatty acid in the form of energy. Lauric acid is one of the most powerful components of coconut oil, which is recognized for its strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

To improve your overall health, here are some easy ways to take advantage of coconut oil.

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10 Ways to Support Digestion and Lose Weight 

Weight loss does not have to be as daunting as it seems. By understanding the physiology of digestion, we can improve it and let our bodies to lose the extra weight itself. Digestion is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Our job is to keep it activated while we are eating for effective and efficient digestion. Here are some ways to do that:

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5 Tips for Eating Grain-Free on the Go

If you’re like the majority of the North American population, you’re always out and about running errands, commuting to work, taking the kids to practice, getting groceries, etc. Such a busy schedule take you to a path to crappy eating, and crappy eating lends itself to sabotaging your new lifestyle completely.

I don’t want this to happen to you. It’s happened to me before, and it took me a few days to get back on track. Some people never get back on track. Therefore, I want to provide you with the tips and tricks I learned for keeping up with a Grain-Free lifestyle in the midst of a busy life.

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All about Grain-Free, The Cavewoman’s Diet

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Grain-free” by now. Most people have heard of it, but many are not quite sure what it is. I’m here to tell you all about Grain free Grain-Free and why it is hands-down the ultimate way to eat and to live.

To explain – picture yourself as a cavewoman millions of years ago. There was no such thing as cooking, let alone electricity to do it. So what would you eat? The answer is: anything that you can find.

Cavemen and women ate anything they could find in an effort to survive: fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and greens made up the majority of their diet. Eating certainly wasn’t a hobby such as what it has been made into today, but a means for survival – a means to nourish the body and thank it for all it does.

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3 Supplements You Should be Taking if You’re Over 40 Years Old

Yes, while I always say that it’s better to get your nutrients from food first sometimes supplements are necessary.

Unfortunately, there are just some all-too-common nutrients that we simply don’t get enough of. And they’re absolutely critical to optimal health and wellness. Especially as we age.

Here I research through the supplements that are available on the market and boiled them down to three that can have the best effect on us.

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7 Reasons to Eat Avocados

Today I wan to give so several reasons to eat Avocados more often. Avocados are delicious, but did you know they could also help curb your appetite? According to a recent study, those who ate half an avocado with lunch felt 28% less of a desire to eat more in the 5 hours following the meal. 

But, that’s not all avocados can do for you!

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Important Vitamins in your Diet

With this article, I begin a series on Vitamins and Minerals, which are a key  factor in our diet. In the first two articles, I’ll talk about Vitamins in your Diet, how they help our health and where we can find them in the food. In the following articles, I’ll cover the most important minerals in our diet.
Vitamins are micronutrients not synthesized by the body, but required in small amounts, play a critical role in maintaining good health. They are very important not only because of its deficiency cause diseases but, if they are provided in their optimal amounts, they may help to prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, cancer and aging.

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